Caprine consulting

About The Grinning Goat
Caprine Consulting Service
Herd Management
Acid Pack Urinary Calculi Treatment
Contact The Grinning Goat
The Grinning Goat home page

With over 40 years experience raising dairy, fiber and meat goats we have acquired a vast amount of knowledge about the care and feeding of goats of all sizes and breeds.

In the interest of assisting new comers to the wonderful world of goats we offer a consulting service.

Let us help you avoid the many pit falls that await the inexperienced.

Give us a call or email to arrange a consultation or herd management service.





[About The Grinning Goat] [Caprine Consulting] [Herd Management
Acid Pack Urinary Calculi Treatment] [Contact Us] [Home Page]

Dan and Paulette Wohnoutka • 3326 South First Road • Humansville,MO 65674 • Email • Phone 417-754-8135

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